Ted was born on the dark and deadly roads of Osaka, Japan. What do you mean there aren’t any roads like that in Osaka? Have you been there? What about that part? I didn’t think so.
May I go on?
Yes, he was born in Japan, so that does indeed make him a ninja. Deal with it. Anyway... Although he didn’t get seriously into comics until later in life, he did have his share of creating a couple characters you see today, in the way of Super Sleuth and Super Frog, which later evolved into Superfluous Sleuth and Super Fabulous Frog.
Nowadays, Ted is furiously working words for Afro Stache while maintaining a job in special education.
Born in Providence, Rhode Island
in 1974, New England native
Derek Lipscomb grew up with
comics in his house thanks to
his 2 older brothers. At age 4,
he created B.E.E.B.L.E.S. and Whistleman, mimicking his
older brother's self-made comic characters.
Inspired by all things geek from Godzilla to Transformers to Encyclopedia Brown (da fuq??),
Derek always looks to instill pop-culture references in his artwork.
Today, Derek resides
in smoggy Southern California
with a career as a full-time
Graphic Designer and part-time jerk.
Derek not only illustrates both Poverty Pack and Poverty Thrill Adventures, but has designed a majority of it's characters and serves as co-creator of the brand.
Artists & Contributors
Andrew Carr - Artist

Andrew was born in Artesia, Ca in the year 1973. His love of comics started when he asked his mom to buy him a Flash comic book at a local 7/11. His love grew even more once he learned how to read.
Andrew has worked with Ted and Derek once before on the unpublished work of "The Heiress". Now years later he's back ready to put pencil to paper. He is inspired by the greats such as Jack Kirby, Carmine Infantino, Darwyn Cooke, or anyone who takes the leap to tell a story.
Andrew has provided art for the "deleted scene" piece of The Poverty Pack trade paperback, the Holiday special as well as the Poverty Thrill Adventure Story
of Superfluous Sleuth # 6 a. He is currently working on the next issue of Poverty Pack.
Reginald Augustine - Artist

A resident of New Haven, CT, Reginald "Moochie" Augustine is a graduate of Ithaca College with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and a minor in creative writing.
He also holds a Master’s Degree in English with a concentration in creative writing. Currently an art teacher with 22 years experience at a k-8 school in New Haven where he handles 325 students, about half of the school. Often spends time students talking about the history of comics, animation and the contributions the media has made to American culture.
Reggie's work can be found in Poverty Thrill Adventures #3 and the cover of #4. He also designed the look of Aphro Physt and the Alabaster Association, as well as Black Pigeon's first costume. His art will also feature prominantly in the upcoming Poverty Thrill Adventures Volume 1 trade.
Dave Lipscomb- Artist
Brian Coles - writer/editor
Evelyn Carr- Inker

The evil bastard responsible for setting Derek on the path of comics is this guy.
Also born in the state that is neither rhode nor island, but is both at the same time, Dave entered the world with a silence comparable to that of a gentle fart. Self-groomed on a staple diet of Hanna-Barbara,
Sid & Marty Krofft, and Toho dai kaiju, he began to draw at an early age, and soon began creating his own self-made comics.
No longer a citizen of that faux island-state-thing, Dave skulks in the southern jurisdiction of California, dangerously close to the "Mouse". There he produces masterpieces for Infernal Ink Magazine as well as art for numerous other books under the same thinktank.
Dave's contributions to Afro Stache Studios are the faux ads in the backs of Poverty Thrill Adventures #1, Poverty Pack #3 and the final page of Poverty Pack #4. The Dave has also contributed several character concepts to the universe such as Commutron, Presto Kadabra, Urbanus, and Highflyer to name a few.

Brian Coles has enjoyed a mid-life crisis since he was about 11 years-old, when he realized growing up was overrated, hurt like the dickens and then of course, to make matters worse, he didn't even know what a dickens was (the poor lad!).
After crying his way through high school, the creative bug proved to be his only solace. He also went bald.
Shortly afterward, he attended college, where he studied TV/Film Production and Communications
/Advertising, holding a Bachelor's Degree from CSUF.
He is an independent science fiction writer, and his work can be found at www.wbriancoles.com.
His favorite movies and primary inspirations are Empire Strikes Back and Raiders of the Lost Ark. If he had a rock band it would be called either Carrie Fisher's Coke Nail or Bachman-Turner-Over Yonder.
Brian has written a short story for Poverty Pack Annual and the 'Stache issue of Poverty Thrill Adventures. He is also an editor for several Poverty Pack issues.

Evelyn... what can we say, she's just lucky to be here, a glorified tracer.
Her work can be seen in Poverty Thrill Adventures #6 and #7. She is currently working on Poverty Pack issue #10.
Hold on to your britches., she's got a whole lot more to do.
An Interview with the Creators!
Landon Charles Hughes interviews Afro Stache Studio's founders Writer Ted Shambaris and Artist Derek Lipscomb
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