Poverty Pack is the brainchild of
writer Ted Shambaris
artist Derek Lipscomb.
"Homeless Heroes Unite!"
Poverty Pack is a 24 page full color comic book serial that asks the question: "How do super heroes maintain their
crime fighting when they aren't wealthy?"
Golden Megalopolis is a city that is no stranger to costumed crime fighters. In it's recent years, the vast city has hit hard times, leaving only crusaders on a budget left with fending their community against a new wave of criminals.
As a phantom criminal mastermind begins his devious plan to subjugate the citizens of this "Run Down City", a group of unlikely champions stumble together for a common cause.
Join Black Pigeon, Street Sweepah, Cookie Brown, Super Fabulous Frog, Whistle Man, Brown Wristband, Captain Commander, Willie Johnson, Superfluous Sleuth and B.E.E.B.L.E.S. as they band together to make ends meet and crime to meet it's end.
You can order Poverty Pack from
Indyplanet.com by following this link!