Retrospect: My top 10 favorite Iron Man Movie Moments
With Civil War opening in 3 weeks, I figured I would proclaim my "Team Iron Man" card and look back at the cinematic interpretation of...

Review: Batman v Superman - YAWN of Justice
"Nobody cares about Clark Kent taking on the Batman" - Perry White I laughed at this line during my viewing of Batman v Superman. Of...

Hush Hush Beginnings (or, "secret origins")
Hello all you extremely bored and desparate readers! Obviously, you are here because there is absolutely SHIT to do right now and you...

Now in Glorious Color!
So the New Year is upon us. It's this time where I think about the past 12 months and find something noteworthy to what we do here. This...

Modern Literature
Have you ever heard of Scott McCloud? He’s a comic book writer and artist who does a comic called Zot! What’s more important is that he’s...

Do you have the Thanksgiving tradition of going around the table and telling everyone what you’re thankful for? I’ve had to do that...

Giving Thanks!
Wow. It’s a great time to be involved in comics, you know that? I mean look at how big this genre has become. We have successful TV &...

Grateful and Embarrassed!
I’m sort of embarrassed to say this, but after reading Derek’s post last week, I realized what a failure I have been. You see, Derek...

Role Playing!
Muah ha ha ha- Oh, wait. It’s no longer Halloween. Let’s get back to being geeky! That’s what the Fabulous Frog Blog is all about. Well,...

Oh The Horror!
Muah ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, that’s supposed to be an evil laugh, in case you were wondering. But it’s another Super Fabulous Frog Blog and...