Post SDCC has left me in a creative dilemna. Nothing bad, but more or less how much do you learn from attending a convention like San Diego's and come back with a new purpose?
My purpose is, of course, continuing the adventures of the characters in our Poverty Pack universe. At this point in my life, I have no desire to branch out into other projects because frankly, I am so engrossed with this one.
So much, that I have several upcoming surprises for all you fine devoted comic-readin' folks. Here's a few goodies that Father Derek & company has in store for you:
Yes, there is a Poverty Pack #5, and yes it is 4 pages from being completed.
Ted Shambaris is scripting #6!

Yes, Poverty Thrill Adventures will have a volume 1 trade coming out soon, collecting the first 4 issues. Thats already complete and print-ready. I've laready started prep-work on the 2nd volume!

A Poverty Pack Annual is complete, save for the cover which is being handled by my older brother Dave. It contains 2 12-page tales written by both myself and Brian Coles and illustrated by your's truly! That should be out before this year is up!

A new Poverty Appendecies is in the works, and is more than half complete as we speak! I'm excited about this one!

My Cousin Reggie Augustine is working on his own story involving the exploits of the deceased (or are they???) Aphro Physt and some of his own characters. I've seen the artwork for this and I am pumped!
Andrew Carr has been feverishly working on Poverty Thrill Adventures #6-7 a 2 parter featuring Superfluous Sleuth and B.E.E.B.l.E.S.! I can't wait to see what he's done with it!
Eventually after those issues are released, Brian Coles will be at it again with us in bringing you the Stache for PTA #8!

So you can see that there's been a mega-dose of inspiration. We have some great things coming down the pipeline for ya!
Stay tuned!