Celebrity Afros: What else are you going to read?
Happy Friday everyone! I thought I'd try to write about something that's plagued me for years: What star has had the most perfect afro in the history of afros? I thought long and hard about all the numerous people who were in TV, Movies and music and came up with an elimination game. Let's begin!
Now all of you who've read our books are familiar with 2 characters who sport the mighty 'fro: Cookie Brown and Willie Johnson. Both have inspiration that goes back to the 70's so-called "Blaxploitation" period. So Let's start there:

Sly (Sly and the Family Stone)
The lead singer of the 70's funk group sports a monsterous afro. Good size and proportion make it grand, but it's loose curls affects it's shape and can get all kinds of messy.
Score: 7/10

Jim Kelly (Enter the Dragon, Black belt Jones, Three the Hard Way)
My man Jim's afro is on point. Proportions are damn near perfect. He even has the side burns. I can't even GROW sideburns. Hell, at my age now, I can't really grow an afro anymore...
But enough about me! This guy should have been a bigger star based not only by his martial arts, screen charisma, but that damn 'do!
Score: 10/10

Sugar Foot (The Ohio Players)
Another group from that era, famous for bringing the hits "Fire" and "Rollercoaster", This guitarist's afro is kind of wacky. I don't think I've ever seen somebody's afro dip infront of yo' damn eye before. Different? yes. Functional? maybe FUNK-SHUN-al
(Owww!) Perfect? I wouldn't rock it...
Score: 6/10

Mike Evans ("Lionel" from The Jeffersons)
Ugh. Any man that grows his hair into a shape of a football is all about no good. Even though Mike is considered the better of the 2 Lionels from that show, his afro was always an eyesore to me. Give that some height! Mike's is all about width! It's a Horizont-fro! Kill it with fire!
Score: 2/10

Lionel Richie
There seems to be a trend with dudes named Lionel and afros. I'm starting to think Willie Johnson's real name should be Lionel Willis Johnson. Anyways, this is another fail. I always though afros should grow up and out, not down to the shoulders. Well Lionel's did, and maybe thats why he left the Commodores. His hair looks heavy and competed with the man's already long chin. In fact, I don't know which hung lower...
Score: 3/10

Willis & Arnold Jackson (Diff'rent Strokes)
These 2 are representative of the end of the afro era. The 70's had come to an end and the 80's had just started. The afro was soon to be replaced with the Jheri Curl.
But before that could rear it's ugly head (see what I did there?), these 2 had their own distinct styles. Arnold (Gary Coleman) had the afro with the part on the side (!). Willis (Todd Bridges) didnt quite have any girth to his. They both are prime examples of what I call the "Halfro". Conservative versions of the long and wild style of the 70's.
Score: 4/10
I think as a kid I had a halfro...

Yup. Confirmed.
Anyways, years later I would try to make up for that:

But I never got perfection. Pretty "Buckwheat" if you ask me. So what? I love my hair.
Anyways, after careful review, we have a clear winner:

Jim Kelly. R.I.P.! I'm glad I got to meet you!

I hope you all found this theraputic as I have. Or at least something to do at work on a boring Friday!
Anyways, if you have any famous 'fros that didn't make my list, comment below your nominations. I'll blog about them soon!
Have a great weekend!